Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Best Facial Methods

Regular facials are an effective way to treat sunspots, reduce wrinkles, improve skin tone and color, reduce blotchiness and even lessen the appearance of damaged blood vessels.

Most salons in smaller towns will charge a little under $100 for a facial. At spas, resorts or big city salons you can expect to pay quite a bit more. If that is a little steep for your budget, there is no need to worry. You can do it at home and get great results using the best facial methods for home skin care.

Provided you don't need extensive repair work, it is possible to give yourself a home facial and get salon smooth results. Of course, you won't have all of the products and equipment a professional esthetician uses at your fingertips; but, working with what is available to you, you can keep your skin glowing, healthy and beautiful.

A basic facial includes cleansing, exfoliating, extraction of blackheads and massage. Quality products are important, however, they do not have to cost you a months salary. Soap, oil and alcohol free cleansers are the best. For people with sensitive skin, fragrance free may also be important. The best facial methods for home skin care can include all natural, homemade skin care products as well.

There are a variety of effective methods you can use to exfoliate your skin. You may choose a facial scrub, an exfoliating cream or mask, or a glycolic acid peel. Over the counter glycolic acid peels are only about half as strong as the products used by estheticians and dermatologists, but can be very effective. It is really a personal choice; what you are most comfortable with is what you should use.

We have all been told not to squeeze, pop or pick at pimples and blackheads. Squeezing blackheads can damage your skin and scarring. However, extracting blackheads can actually improve skin quality. Exfoliating will eliminate some, but most likely will not remove all blackheads. Using a blackhead strip is safer than squeezing or using a metal blackhead extractor.

The final step of your home facial is the massage. Yes, you can give yourself a facial massage, and it feels fabulous. It may seem strange at first, but it is an essential step. The purpose of the massage is to improve circulation in your skin, and to relax tension in the facial muscles. There are a number of online articles that provide instructions for facial massage.
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